Slow food

Food, go slow
as I feel your raw texture
in my hands, washing, peeling;
in my mouth, breaking bread with friends.
Go slow, simmering away
in my earthen pot
my mother's spices
exuding aromas that ascend into heaven. 

Food, step by step
seep into my taste buds,
your smell mixing with my clothes. 
Make me smell of turmeric
Alight my tongue
with your slow warmth. 
Step by step, let your freshness,
your full-bodiedness
seep into my soul. 

Oh food, give me your seed of love, 
of cherished heritage
as a wedding gift.
For those who have gold run out
and those who have a seed
feed generations.
Tell me how to plan, cultivate, and eat
To sow my love, 
To complete the cycle,
and give you my seed. 

10 Dec 2019


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